Online Assessment

We are here to help!

We are here to help!

If you wish to receive advice on immigrating to Canada, please complete and submit the assessment form below.

Personal Profile

Marital Status *
Do you have any children under the age of 22 ? *
Preferred Destination in Canada *
How can we help you
English Language Skills *
Have you written an English Exam in the past two years? *

Education & Training

The highest level of education *
Have you assessed your educational credentials in Canada *

Work Experience

Work Experience inside Canada in the past 10 years *
Work Experience outside of Canada in the past 10 years *
Do you have a job offer in Canada? *

Additional Information

How did you hear about us?

Looking for Advise?

Looking for Advise?

PA Immigration Consulting Services offers professional consultation for immigrants and refugees. We will work with you to develop an effective immigration strategy to achieve your goals.